Permaculture Design Course
This is a Permaculture Design Course.
2012 Inland Northwest Permaculture Conference
Planning for the 2012 Inland Northwest Permaculture Conference has begun! The conference will be in Missoula, November 9th, 10th and 11th. For the latest information please see this thread 2012 inland northwest permaculture conference will be in Missoula!
2012 Northwest Permaculture Convergence
The 2012 Northwest Permaculture Convergence will be hosted by the Washington state permaculture community and held on the Olympic Peninsula. The website is up! For discussion of the event, see Northwest Permaculture Convergence 2012, come join us!
2011 Inland Northwest Permaculture Conference
Held in Spokane, Washington. Lots of substance. Discussion and pictures. Put on by the Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild
2011 Convergence
Hosted by the Oregon state permaculture community.
2010 Convergence
Hosted by the Washington state permaculture community in Seattle.
part of a 2010 northwest permaculture convergence presentation by forest shomer:
2009 Washington State Permaculture Convergence
Hosted by the Washington state permaculture community.
2008 Convergence
Hosted by the Washington state permaculture community.
What is the difference between a permaculture convergence and a permaculture conference?
- How to describe Permaculture in a sentence or two
- Flavors of Permaculture
- Purple Permaculture vs. Brown Permaculture
What is a Permaculture Design Course (PDC)?
Several rocket mass heater workshops mashed into dvd form: Better Wood Heat
100 hours of video for a permaculture design course